Sunday, September 15, 2013

Kamen Teacher / 仮面ティーチャー [2013]


Araki Gota (Fujigaya Taisuke) is a promising teacher of the Kamen Teacher programme. The education involves wearing a mask and “educating” students who will not learn, with fists. Howevet, an incident causes Araki to question the use of corporal punishment to make students who turn a deaf ear to submit and the occasions when he is with his mask noticeably declines. Araki starts teaching at Hanazora High School. However, Class 2C, the class he takes charge of is a lawless zone. They are all problem children and Araki gets battered from the first day. Called M4, the strong have the class under their thumb and every teacher has thrown in the towel. Araki wishes to connect with them without the aid of the mask and would not fight back. However, his students are wilder than imagined so he takes the mask in hand in order to tame them.

Based on the manga series "Kamen Teacher" by Tooru Fujisawa (published from August, 2006 to October, 2007 by magazine Weekly Young Jump).

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