Toei Animation has confirmed that this spring's Dragon Ball Kai re-airing of its Dragon Ball Z anime will be edited to more closely follow Akira Toriyama's original manga. The Dragon Ball Z anime series originally ran from April 1989 to January 1996 in Japan. However, since Toriyama was still serializing his manga at the same time in shorter weekly installments, the Dragon Ball Z anime expanded its story by inserting additional content. The new Dragon Ball Kai remastering will be an "Akira Toriyama original cut edition" that will quicken the story presentation and adhere more with the manga's story.
The anime footage will be enhanced with the latest digital technology. This includes a new full-HD remastering from the film reels of the original run, renewed soundtracks and sound effects, and new dialogue recordings with most of the original cast. The re-airing will launch in Japan on April 5.
There will be an on-stage event, "CoFesta Presents The World of Dragon Ball Strikes Back!" at the Tokyo International Anime Fair at the Tokyo Big Sight convention center on March 20. The guests will include the original voice of the main characters Son Goku and Gohan, Masako Nozawa.